blackberry-z10-available-usWhen it comes to browsing speeds, the faster the better, obviously, but speed has a few factors, such as the browser used and also your internet connectivity. Having a fast browser but surfing on EDGE probably cancels each other out, right? Well if we were to disregard internet connectivity speed and assume that all speeds are equal, apparently BlackBerry’s browser would be the browser to beat. This is according to a new study conducted by New Relic which has found that BlackBerry is leading the way when it comes to page load times.

According to the study, it has been found that BlackBerry’s page load times clock in at an average of 1.55 seconds. This is pretty damn fast and in our review of the BlackBerry Z10, we found page loading times to be pretty fast as well. Apparently the next closest would be Mobile Opera Mini 4.2 which manages to load a page in 4.78 seconds, which even then seems pretty far from the zippy 1.55 seconds of BlackBerry. Of course this doesn’t mean that everyone will start flocking to BlackBerry and purchasing their devices, but it’s definitely something to think about, especially if you use your smartphone to surf the web extensively as all those seconds waiting for the page to load can add up.

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