Apple Retail Store Webpage Updated, Looks iOS 7 Inspired
I don’t suppose that all of us know just how Apple absolutely loves a sense of uniformity – just take a look at their app and operating system ecosystem and you more or less know what I am talking about. Well, it is not surprising then to see (as well as hear) about Apple introducing an update to their retail store webpage that boasts of an iOS 7-inspired design. The refreshed “Apple Retail Store” segment of its website now sports a clean aesthetic as you can see above, with plenty of inspiration by iOS 7, in addition to “flat” graphics alongside plenty of white space around.
Do you feel comfortable with this particular move from Apple? After all, they have managed to make the informational retail section a whole lot more uniform to jive with the rest of the website, having made the transition from skeuomorphic graphics to a “flatter” design that is what iOS 7 is all about. As for the retail location landing page, it did look as though it remained left behind in the iOS 6 era. Do you like what you see so far, or do you prefer the old look? Who knows, Microsoft might introduce tiles to their webpage in the future just to reflect the nature of Windows 8…
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