vigo-headsetNow here is a Kickstarter project that might just capture your fancy – the Vigo headset which intends to make a difference in your life, and a positive one at that. Just what the heck does the Vigo headset do anyways? It basically will be able to send you an alert whenever you start to nod off unconsciously, as well as send a recommendation on just how tired it thinks you are. You will not look too out of place from the rest of the human populace whenever you wear the Vigo headset, as it goes about monitoring actions such as your eye blink patterns.

Vigo will be connected to your smartphone or tablet using Bluetooth, where it also functions as a normal Bluetooth headset, now how about that for added functionality? Apart from that, it will also come equipped with an infrared sensor as well as accelerometer to determine your blink pattern as well as head movements, taking into consideration all variations. You can also ask Vigo to nudge you awake gently whenever you start to feel sleepy, through three means – namely a wake-up song, a vibration, or a simple LED notification. Vigo’s Kickstarter project would require you to contribute $79, and should it reach its goal, it will make its way to your doorstep, where by then, it will feature an expected retail price of $119. [Kickstarter Campaign]

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