The-Elder-Scrolls-Online-fieldsGood news gamers, if you are looking forward to playing The Elder Scrolls Online on your PlayStation 4, you might be pleased to learn that you will not have to pay a double fee. Basically there was some concern that gamers who wanted to play the game would not only have to purchase the game itself, pay for its monthly subscription fee of $14.99 a month, but will also have to pay for a PlayStation Plus account as well. Thankfully that is not the case as Bethesda has since confirmed that gamers will only need to pay for the monthly subscription (on top of purchasing the game, of course).

According to Bethesda, ”A PlayStation Plus membership is not required to play The Elder Scrolls Online. PS4 players will only be required to pay the same monthly subscription associated with The Elder Scrolls Online that PC and Mac users will pay – nothing more.” Unfortunately the same cannot be said for Xbox One gamers who will be required to have an Xbox Gold account. It should be noted that PC/Mac gamers will not be able to play with those playing on the PS4 or the Xbox One as there will not be any cross-platform support. The Elder Scrolls Online is scheduled for a release on the PC/Mac on the 4th of April followed by a June release for consoles.

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