pokemon-sizeSo much for catching them all – there are just way too many Pokémon for someone to keep track of, but when it comes to something special, or a close affinity to the game, the landscape changes completely. For Pokémon fans who have always been wondering just how a small Caterpie would look like when it is placed smack right beside the legendary Lugia, fret not. What you see above is an image of all six generations of Pokémon titles, where they have had their silhouettes compiled into a single image.

The person behind it, DOTBstudios, happens to be a member of the hugely popular deviantART online community, where we do know that he is known as “Ray” from his profile, being a male from the United States. The scaled image that was created relied on the Pokémon dimensions which have been listed in official guidebooks. One thing is for sure, this is one poster that many people would not mind to have, and it will also give you a better appreciation the next time you fire up the game and let loose some of these pocket monsters. Amazing things, these Pokeballs, they sort of remind you of the ghost trap in Ghostbusters, no?

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