iwata-wii-uNintendo is definitely not in a good place right now. Despite the company’s best intentions, they have recently been forced to slash their sales estimate of the Wii U by a whopping 70%. This is not only a bad sign for Nintendo, but their investors as well who might be alarmed by this drastic move. In light of this, Nintendo’s President Satoru Iwata was expected to resign, but revealed that he would not be doing so. Instead he elaborated on the issue and admitted that when it came to the Wii U, Nintendo had misread the market and because of that, failed to issue appropriate instructions on how to handle the “new” market. Iwata has since proposed to to do something that will surprise Nintendo’s customers, although what exactly that entails remains to be seen.

Iwata did state that the company was looking at a new business structure and that the company will most likely be discussing their options and a new strategy at their strategy briefing on the 30th of January. Earlier we reported that Iwata said that Nintendo would be studying mobile devices, although we’re not sure if this will result in Nintendo actually releasing games for mobile devices, something which the company has refused to do for the longest time ever. What do you guys think? What do you think Nintendo needs to do to remain relevant in today’s gaming scene? No doubt Nintendo’s first-party titles are immensely fun, but will they be enough to make customers purchase an entire system for it?

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