youtube530Good news Nintendo 3DS owners, if you wanted to take a break from gaming and perhaps surf some YouTube to watch some videos or listen to music, you might be pleased to learn that YouTube for the Nintendo 3DS is finally available, and while it might be already obvious, it will not come with support for 3D which we’re not sure is a good or bad thing. YouTube for the Nintendo 3DS joins the likes of Netflix which was released back in 2011, and Hulu which was released for the 3DS just in October a few months ago.

The YouTube app for the 3DS console is available via the Nintendo 3DS eshop for North America and Europe markets. The app will playback videos on the top part of the screen, with the video controllable via the triggers and buttons on your console. It will also display things such as suggested videos, stats, information, and comments on the bottom portion of the console as well.

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