We’ve seen people do crazy things in the past just to get their gaming fix, killing other people included, and on Friday two people were indicted for a similar crazy and hostile act. Christopher Hunter and Rosa Garcia binded a woman to a chair for six hours and held her at knifepoint at her apartment in 1400th block of Harmon Avenue, Las Vegas. They threatened to kill her if a PSP was not handed over to them as random. During the time she was held captive, they forced her to take pills and drink alcohol while being tied to the chair.
They continued to torture her by cutting her hair off and ripping her clothes off, even threatening to find “someone with AIDS to have sex with her.” It is also alleged that Hunter hit her on the head. Metro Police were called and it is reported that Garcia untied the woman before all three walked out. Hunter is said to have remained silent while Garcia denied any wrongdoing. Both of them have been indicted on assault, bribery and kidnapping charges. One can’t even begin to comprehend how people come up with schemes like these for something as trivial as a portable gaming console, and what’s the use when they are likely to wind up behind bars any way.