kindle-fire-preferenceThe Amazon Kindle Fire is a platform that is also able to handle games with aplomb, as we have read about how Assassin’s Creed: Pirates was just released on it. If you have missed out on the Cyber Monday deals for the Kindle Fire, that would be a damper, especially after you read about this survey from the App Annie & IDC Portable Gaming Report for Q3 2013, which claims that mobile gamers have a softer spot for Kindle Fire tablets when it comes to gaming compared to Android-powered tablets that have Google Play services.

This particular survey saw 1,117 respondents take part, and of course, the unsurprising bit of this survey points to iOS as the platform of choice for the majority when it comes to mobile gaming, which comprises of approximately 35% of the respondents. The Apple iPad also happened to be the leader among tablets, sporting around 17% of respondents. As for the Kindle Fire, it picked up about 12% of the popular vote, pushing it to 2nd place and placing it furlongs away from Android-powered tablets that took up approximately 5% of the vote. So, do you look at the Amazon Kindle Fire in a different light now after this bit of news?

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