The PS4 so far has been off to a great start and managed 1 million units sold in 24 hours, and the latest figures from Sony have revealed that more than 2.1 million PS4 units have been sold to date. House believes that the PS4 will do better as its low price point is more consumer friendly, which is partly true as the PS3’s initial launch price was pretty expensive and put many gamers off. However lately we have been hearing reports of how consoles are no longer as powerful as before, and that PC gaming is the future. In a way it makes sense as putting together a decent PC gaming rig is no longer as expensive as it once was back in the day of the PS2 and PS3.
However there are factors to consider, such as the types of games that are made for console, and the types of games made for the PC, and aspects such as being able to play with friends in the living room which is admittedly more enjoyable than playing over the internet. In any case we guess time will tell, but what do you guys think? Will the PS4 outsell the PS3 eventually?