battlefield4We’re not sure if it is because Battlefield 4 truly is a buggy game beyond playability, or if it is because some people are just opportunists, but it wasn’t too long after we reported that EA could face a lawsuit over Battlefield 4 that we have learnt that another law firm, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP, have filed for legal action against EA over claims that the publisher might not have been compliant with federal securities laws when issuing statements about Battlefield 4 during the period of July 24th to December 4th.

According to the law firm, they are alleging that EA had violated the Securities Exchange Act and issued “Materially false and misleading statements highlighting the purported strength of the Company’s rollout of version 4 of its all-important Battlefield video game series.” They allege that because of these misleading statements that EA’s stock price rose to an all-time high of $28.13 per share, which in turn allowed EA executives to sell off their stock (or at least some of it) at “artificially inflated” prices.

They also point out that the statements released by EA were misleading as the game was riddled with bugs and multiple other problems, including downloadable content that allowed players access to more levels of the game, a myriad of connectivity issues, server limitations, lost data and repeated sudden crashes, among other things.” As it stands EA has halted all future Battlefield 4 DLCs until the game has been fixed.

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