Quark gameplay – alpha from Serge Soudoplatoff on Vimeo.

Learning need not be a chore as we know it, and sometimes, the lessons that are best absorbed happen to be the ones learned outside of a classroom, via play. After all, have you ever observed puppies and how they learn? Through play, of course! Well, following the seemingly universal mantra of “there’s an app for that”, here we are with a universally accessible gaming app that will be able to help teach kids the different laws of the cosmos without the need for any language, and hence breaking the language barrier, but through the use of fun and interactivity.

Idriss J. Aberkane and Serge Soudoplatoff happen to be behind Quark, where they are touted to be pioneers in applying a field of neuroscience to game design which is known as “brain ergonomics”.  Right now, Quark is a Kickstarter project that will be a language-free interactive game for the iOS and Android, where it will naturally enroll children to the subjects of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). With Quark, kids will be able to jump aboard the adventure of journeying from the universe’s birth to a full-fledged star system. The target age of Quark would be 7 to 22 years old, and it needs AUD$15,000 to be realized.


Eliane Fiolet contributed to this article

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