One button I honestly didn’t think I’d get much use out of when I was first considering purchasing the PlayStation 4 was the DualShock 4’s “Share” button, which sits to the left of the controller’s touchpad. Now that I’ve played a couple of games on the PlayStation 4, I can tell you there’s nothing more I like to do than share some moments from my gaming sessions, and it looks like I’m not alone in this feeling, according to Sony.
Sony’s European PlayStation account tweeted a very interesting statistic concerning the PlayStation 4’s ability to share content through the PlayStation Network as well as through social media. In their tweet, Sony confirms the share function has been used over 6.5 million times since the console launched. This is a pretty amazing statistic considering many people didn’t even think twice about the PlayStation 4’s ability to share videos or screenshots.
Not only can the PlayStation 4 share videos and screenshots of what you just experienced, but you can also use the Share button to livestream what you’re playing online as well through Twitch and Ustream. The Xbox One, on the other hand, doesn’t currently allow its users to livestream their content on Twitch, even though Microsoft previously heavily touted this feature prior to the launch of the console.
Filed in PlayStation 4, PS4 and Sony.
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