We did talk about the MyGlass app in September earlier this year, where this particular app would be able to offer Google Glass owners control with an Android-powered device. Well, that sounds about right, but what happens if you have a pair of Google Glass, and yet are not rocking to any Android-powered smartphone, preferring Apple’s offering in the smartphone arena instead as your daily communications device? Good thing the official MyGlass app for Google Glass has finally made its way to the iOS platform, where it will carry just about the same level of functionality as the Android version of the app, including letting you set up your Google Glass eyewear, install Glassware apps, have a mirror of the Glass’s display on the paired iPhone’s screen, among others.
The MyGlass app will be a free download to those who are interested, and of course, it is pretty much useless if you do not have a pair of Google Glass to hook it up to. The thing is, it took less than an hour after the MyGlass app appeared on the App Store before it was yanked – no idea on whether this was due to a premature rollout, a bug discovery, or something more sinister behind the scenes.
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