Google Could Port Chrome Apps To Android And iOS
It seems that the good people over at Google are currently working to deliver Chrome packaged apps from the desktop all the way to the Android and iOS platforms. This would be made possible thanks to the development of a toolkit which will enable developers to work on Chrome apps for Android and iOS, in addition to porting current Chrome apps over to two of the hugely popular mobile platforms worldwide. Over at a GitHub repository that has been known as the Mobile Chrome Apps, the documentation within did show that Chrome Packaged App for Windows, OS X, Linux, and Chrome OS happen to be but the start, and there is a whole lot more to come in due time.
This toolkit will basically assist developers to work on Android and iOS hybrid native apps using Chrome app polyfills, all via Apache Cordova. Among the steps that are involved would include making modifications for mobile design purposes, the ability to fix bugs, work around some of the limitations, and testing, too – which happens to be an indispensable part of the journey. Google claims that when properly done, the apps will be able to be made available on Google Play and Apple’s App Store. What do you think of this particular move?
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