EA Faces Another Potential Lawsuit Over Battlefield 4

battlefield4EA’s Battlefield 4 is currently facing a host of legal problems. Technically the first lawsuit filed against the publisher over the game was what we reported a couple of weeks ago, although before that a law firm launched their own investigations as to whether a lawsuit should be filed, but it seems that 2013 has yet to come to a close and EA has since had another lawsuit filed against them. Law firm Brower Piven has announced their plans to file a class action lawsuit against EA claiming that the publisher knew about the problems n Battlefield 4 before its release, but chose to release it anyway. The lawsuit has yet to be filed but they are currently exploring their options.

The lawsuit, if filed, is essentially the same thing we’ve been hearing in the past, which is how EA’s statements on Battlefield 4 were misleading before and after the launch of the game, which the complainants believed were made in order to raise the prices of EA’s stocks. Analyst Timothy Green of The Motley Fool now believes that the franchise has since been tarnished, and that gamers in the future are more likely to pick Activision’s Call of Duty franchise over Battlefield. For those hearing about this for the first time, EA’s Battlefield 4 has been riddled with bugs since its release to the point where the published had to put a halt to future DLCs in a bid to quash the bugs and rectify all problems before proceeding.

Some claim that EA’s rushed efforts were because they wanted to beat Activision’s Call of Duty: Ghosts to the punch, and while we guess they managed to do that, we’re not sure if we would consider that to be a victory.

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