kinectWith the Microsoft Xbox One’s Kinect, one is able to use voice commands to perform a variety of actions thanks to the built-in microphone in the device. This includes starting up the console as well as navigating apps such as YouTube, but apart from that, what other voice commands are available? To save you guys the time and hassle to try and figure everything out, Microsoft’s Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb has released a PDF on his website which is essentially the “cheat sheet” of Kinect voice and gesture commands that are available to gamers.

The cheat sheet is pretty comprehensive and even comes with diagrams to show gamers how to make use of the gestures as well, so if you’ve gotten yourself a brand new Xbox One and would love to take this feature for a spin, hit up the PDF link above for the details! Of course we expect that your mileage might vary, depending on your voice commands as there have been some complaints by gamers that the Kinect has a hard time recognizing natural language. Presumably factors such as your enunciation and accent might come into play here, but so far what do you guys make of the Kinect? Anyone have issues with the device recognizing their voices?

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