Telltale Games released a trailer for the second season of their popular The Walking Dead game just a few weeks ago. But if you have yet to play the first season of The Walking Dead, Telltale has done their best to make it available across numerous gaming platforms and even mobile devices. If you’d prefer to have physical media over just a a few hundred MBs taking up space on your drives, then this may be your last chance as Telltale has just released the Game of the Year Edition of The Walking Dead.
The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series ‘Game of the Year Edition’ is certainly a mouthful to ask when you visit your video game retailer of choice, although for $29.99, you’ll be getting a mouthful of content. The Game of the Year Edition features all five episodes of the first season of The Walking Dead and the additional episode, 400 Days. That’s not all as Telltale Games has also packed this version of the game with the series’ original score and an exclusive behind-the-scenes video.
The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series ‘Game of the Year Edition’ is available for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC, so if you have yet to play the game, or know someone who you think would enjoy the first season, be sure to pick it up this holiday season.
Filed in Telltale Games and The Walking Dead.
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