Sony Shows Off PS4’s Sweet, Sweet Innards In Official Teardown


Back in February, Sony announced the PlayStation 4 without actually showing the hardware, leaving many scratching their heads in wonderment as to what exactly it’ll look like. E3 2013 came along, which is when the PlayStation 4 made it’s official debut as we all saw what its hardware will look like, leaving many to imagine how much more improved their gaming setup will look once the next-gen console is released. With a little over one week to go, Sony is now allowing us to take an extremely close look at the PlayStation 4. How close? Let’s just say nothing will be left to the imagination after seeing Wired’s look at the PlayStation 4’s innards.

Sony engineering director Yasuhiro Ootori has the pleasure of both unboxing as well as completely tearing down the PlayStation 4 for all ot see. The innards of the PlayStation 4 reveal a rather large heatsink in addition with a small fan, which we’re hoping this combination will keep the jet-like sound of the original PlayStation 3 down to a quiet hum in the PlayStation 4. An integrated power supply as well as a set of circuit boards and additional components can also be seen in this video. If you’re wondering what is going on inside of your PlayStation 4, but don’t want to crack it open when you get yours next week, check out this video for yourself.

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