Samsung Refutes Poor Galaxy Gear Sales, Claims 800,000 Units Sold To Date

Samsung-Galaxy-Gear-52According to our report earlier this morning, it was suggested that Samsung had only sold 50,000 Galaxy Gear units to date, with reports claiming that the company was selling a meager 800-900 units per day. It turns out that the report was wrong as Samsung as a new report from Reuters has Samsung claiming that they have managed to sell a whopping 800,000 Galaxy Gear smartwatches in a span of two months since it was launched. In fact Samsung is going as far as calling it the world’s most popular smartwatch, stating, “It’s the most sold wearable watch available in the market place…and we plan to expand its availability by expanding mobile devices that work with the Gear.”

This claim completely goes against what we had heard, and in fact Samsung claims that the amount of Galaxy Gear units sold has exceed their initial expectations, forcing Samsung to extend the sales promotion during the holiday season to try and garner even more sales. The Galaxy Gear, while a decent effort from Samsung, was a little pricier than some would have liked at $300. That and coupled with the fact that the device would not be support all of Samsung’s smartphones, and how its battery was only good for a day has left it open to criticism.

Assuming the 800,000 figure is correct, we’ll have to admit that it is an impressive feat by Samsung, and if anything it goes to show that perhaps the market is indeed ready for wearable electronics after all. What do you guys think?

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