ps4-blue-lightSony PS4 owners, it is definitely time for you to take a break from all of that gaming. After all, it is always good to pause and rest for a bit. Take a walk around the room, or better yet, why not go on a brisk stroll on the outside while the weather is beautiful and fine? The game and its challenges will still be there after you are done. The Sony PS4, for all its fast moving sales figures, did not experience a perfectly smooth launch with reports of some units experiencing the Blue Light of Death. Well, we are pleased to bring you word that the first system software update for the PS4 since it was officially launched will be available later this evening, where it comes in at version 1.51.

This is a minor compulsory update, where it is touted to make the entire system a whole lot more stable. Not only that, additional improvements such as minor refinements to elements of the system UI have also been introduced. This means you now have a clear indicator of when you are downloading a game and a game patch simultaneously. For those living in North America, the console features automatic downloads for system and game updates by default whenever the PS4 remains in stand-by mode.

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