screen-shot-2013-09-15-at-3-20-33-pmWhen iTunes Radio was first rumored, it was said to be Pandora’s direct competitor and given how Apple has established their iTunes platform, it wouldn’t be such a stretch of the imagination. Well fast forward a few months last, it seems that iTunes Radio isn’t doing much to win over Pandora subscribers, with reports claiming that only a small percentage of Pandora users had decided to jump ship to iTunes Radio. Well now according to a new report, it seems that Pandora’s subscriber base has actually increased post-iTunes Radio.

This is according to Mike Herring, Pandora’s CFO who claims that Pandora has actually seen an increase in subscribers by as much as 9% since the launch of iTunes Radio. Of course it is entirely possible that this might not have anything to do with iTunes Radio, and the fact that Pandora decided to drop its time-limited listening restrictions, which we believe could have played a part in the increase in listeners and users of its service. Also given that Pandora is available not just on iOS devices, but Android as well, could have contributed to the overall increase. Either way what do you guys think? Any iTunes Radio/Pandora listeners care to weigh in on this matter?

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