Lady Gaga made headlines last week as she announced she plans on performing in space. This week, she’s making headlines for a completely different reason as she hosted Saturday Night Live this weekend where she was tasked with performing in several skits that showed off her impressive ability to act. One segment that impressed us was Lady Gaga taking on the role of an Apple Genius.
The Saturday Night Live segment gave Kanye West and Kim Kardashian their own talk show called “Waking up with Kimye.” During the spoof show, Lady Gaga is invited onto the show, dressed up as an Apple Store employee, which are often called Apple Geniuses. The purpose of the Apple Store employee being invited on was just to be berated by Kanye West by calling the employee’s genius status into question.
“You do not deserve the title of genius!” the actor playing Kanye yells at the Apple Store employee. “Mark Zuckerberg is a genius. I am a genius.”
The “Waking up with Kimye” segment is pretty funny as it certainly shines a light at how ridiculous it is to consider Apple employees as “geniuses,” while at the same time continuing to show just how ridiculous Kanye West is for believe he, in fact, is a genius.