ea_star_wars_darth_vader.0_cinema_640.0If you’re a fan of the Star Wars franchise, you might be interested to learn that EA Canada could be working on a new Star Wars game for the Sony PlayStation 4 and the Microsoft Xbox One. The game is expected to be an open world title, which we could be like akin to the likes of Grand Theft Auto 5 by Rockstar. This is according to several job postings, such as animation directors and executive producers. As it stands EA has a decade long licensing deal with Disney for the Star Wars franchise, so it wouldn’t come as a complete surprise that they would be interested in releasing a new Star Wars game, but apart from being an open world title, not much else is known at the moment.

Visceral Games also has a Star Wars title in the works and it has been speculated that EA Canada could be working together with them on it as well, as one of the job listings has called for someone with experience in “multi-site development”. In any case there’s no word on when this game will see a release, but given their current job listings, it looks like the balls has only begun rolling, suggesting that it could be a while before we see anything concrete, but we’ll keep our eyes and ears peeled for more info that might pop up along the way. So, who else is looking forward to a new Star Wars title?

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