ASUS Reveals Future Device Plans, Third Generation Nexus 7 Included
ASUS of Taiwan has some pretty big plans for the future, where they will touch on the tablet, notebook, smartphone and Chromebook markets. It does seem that ASUS has the intention to roll out another two ASUS Chromebooks sometime in the first quarter of next year, in addition to rolling out more tablets and notebooks before the year is over. Not only that, they also want to make a bigger splash when it comes to the smartphone market in 2014. There’s nothing wrong with ambition, definitely, and it would be nice to see whether this will help push the envelope of innovation among the different product niches.
Apart from all of that anticipation and optimism for the future, Jerry Shen, the company’s CEO, also did reveal that ASUS is currently talking to Google concerning the development of the third generation Nexus 7 tablet. Does this signal that Google might actually break away with previous “tradition” of working with a hardware manufacturer for a couple of years in a row before switching allegiances to a different client? After all, the two generations of the Nexus 7 tablets have rolled off ASUS production lines so far, and if the third does hail from ASUS as well, it would be quite a coup.
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