Apple Patent Suggests iWatch With On-Demand Bluetooth 4.0 LE Connectivity For Battery Conservation

Apple-iwatch-Render-2If there’s one thing Apple has been criticized for, it would be its iPhone battery life where there are some users who find it ridiculous that Apple still relies on 1,500mAh-sized batteries while the competition is offering twice that amount. The reason for using smaller batteries is so that Apple can make their products thinner, and if the upcoming iWatch is any indication, we expect Apple will try to distinguish the device from the competition (such as the Samsung Galaxy Gear) by making it thinner. If a recent Apple patent is anything to go by, it would certainly seem that way, but in order to balance out the smaller battery, Apple would be turning to Bluetooth 4.0 LE for the connectivity between the phone and watch.

According to the patent which describes an on-demand creation of a Bluetooth connection between devices, “The proximity profile defines a proximity notification alert that the supporting device sends to the device to advertise its shared access service to the network for devices within range. In one embodiment, upon receiving the proximity notification alert the device joins the supporting device’s shared access service and briefly connects to the network to receive push notifications or other messages, before disconnecting.” There’s no telling if this patent applies to the rumored iWatch, but what do you guys think?

Samsung’s Galaxy Gear while a noble effort, has been criticized for its battery as well, especially given that it will most likely last users a day before requiring a recharge. In light of this criticism, we certainly hope that Apple will not be making that mistake as well.

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