ubr1Have you always wanted to live the life of a king, being served by peons wherever you go? Perhaps you might not need to be insanely rich in order to do that, and neither do you need to slight another human being’s feelings by letting him or her feel as though they are one class lower than you, as a robot might just be a decent substitute. How does having your very own personal robot butler sound like? This is where the UBR-1 comes in, where it would arrive as a one-armed orange humanoid that will be able to play a role in your life – assuming you lead a lifestyle that would accommodate its presence. Of course, that would also mean after you have parted with $35,000 for this puppy.

The UBR-1 would arrive with a visual interface that is called MoveIt! so that it can direct its motions. This might very well be one of the most sophisticated robots that someone with relatively little robotics training is able to operate. MoveIt! comes in the form of an app that will feature a drag-and-drop interface, where it will interact with a robot’s sensors. With the help of that sensor data, MoveIt! will be able to provide the user with a 3D model of the robot in its actual physical environment, allowing the user to test out and direct a robot’s movements in a virtual environment prior to making them happen in real time.

Filed in Robots..