IGZO, which is short for the indium gallium zinc oxide semiconductor on which the display is based, happens to be a Sharp-developed technology which features smaller pixels compared to existing LCD (liquid crystal display) screens. In a nutshell, the smaller pixels would mean that one is able to cram in a whole lot more into a similar amount of space, hence leading the display to pack a higher definition capability. A couple of Sharp handsets that will go on sale in Japan will feature these displays, namely the Aquos Phone Zeta SH-01F that comes with a 5-inch IGZO screen with full HD (1920 by 1080 pixel) resolution, followed by the Aquos Phone EX SH-02F that sports a similar resolution count on a 4.7” display.
That would mean a pixel density of 487 pixels per inch (ppi), compared to the iPhone 5S that has a 326ppi. Retina Display who?