
Cable subscribers have been dealing with bundles for as long as most people can remember. Cable companies throw in a ton of channels inside of these bundles, only to charge a premium for the channels you actually want, like HBO and other channels they deem to be “premium.” Up to now, cable subscribers just had to put up with these bundles, but Comcast may have made cable cutting even more appealing with their latest “Internet Plus” bundle.

Comcast’s Internet Plus bundle consists of Internet service, local TV channels and HBO for just $40 a month. The Internet Plus bundle is being geared towards customers who tend to stream their content online rather than actually watch shows when they air on TV, and because of that, Comcast is also including their Streampix service to the mix.

As great of a deal as the Internet Plus bundle looks to be, the fine print states the $40 a month price is only valid for the first 12 months. After that, the price of the bundle would shoot up to $70 per month.

Comcast’s offering seems to be as close as we’re going to get to actually paying for premium channels by themselves rather than having to purchase a TV bundle we’re barely going to use. Hopefully one of these cable companies will actually give customers what they want, or maybe HBO will finally hear our pleas for an HBO GO-only subscription model.

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