
The holiday season sees customers clamoring to get the best deals on the latest gadgets, tablets and notebooks are certainly on many shopping lists. This holiday season, customers might have a number of such device to choose from at a reasonable rate. Talking with analysts recently, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich said that he expects manufacturers to release cheap Haswell processor powered tablets, notebooks and tablet/notebook hybrids around the holidays, which might be priced around $99, $299 and $349 respectively.

In the center of this year’s holiday PC lineup, Krzanich expects to see notebooks with touchscreen displays powered by Intel’s Haswell processors. According to Intel’s claims, Haswell processors offer 50 percent more battery life and double the graphics performance, at a relatively affordable price. OEMs benefit from this, which will ultimately allow them to manufacturer tablets that go for as low as $99 and notebooks with touchscreen displays for just $299. It remains to be seen just how many OEMs get their devices out in time for the holidays, a season where sales of Android and iOS mobile devices are particularly strong. $99 tablets might be able to put a dent into the consumer interest that almost similarly priced Android tablets rake in. The holiday season isn’t far off, so its only a matter of time before we see some of these new devices being announced.

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