Capsulekong Pays Homage To Donkey Kong While Serving You Coffee


There’s nothing that can wake someone up as quickly as a cup of coffee can. Coffee machines that use a capsule rather than the traditional method of pouring grounded up coffee beans into a coffee filter have grown in popularity over the years, but having those capsules thrown around can make your kitchen look like a complete mess. That’s why the Capsulekong should be the only method of holding coffee capsules ever!

The Capsulekong is a wall-mounted storage unit for Nespresso drink pods, and as you could already guess by looking at it, its look was inspired by Donkey Kong. Instead of rolling down barrels at Jumpman, he’s rolling down coffee pods, which we think is a more delicious hazard. As you load your coffee pods from the top of the unit, it’ll make its way to the bottom of its track. Removing a pod at the bottom will force the rest of the other pods to fall downward.

If you enjoy you’re gaming as much as you enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning, you can pick up the Capsulekong for yourself at Hologramer for $170. Just remember it only works with the Nespresso drink pods, so if your have a Keurig machine or other coffee cup brand, then you’re pretty much out of luck for now.

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