bbm-ios-hedBBM for iOS and Android is without doubt a success, given that the app saw 10 million downloads in a 24-hour period. However like we mentioned last time, the 10 million downloads might not necessarily mean 10 million active iOS and Android BBM users since there was a queue that one would have to place themselves in to start using the service. Presumably this was put into place to help take the load off BlackBerry’s servers from the influx of iOS and Android users. Well the good news is that if you have yet to download BBM for iOS and Android, you’re in luck because BlackBerry has since announced that the queue to use the app has since been removed and now everyone can download and start using the app right away.

It is surprising that BBM for iOS and Android turned out to be such a hit. After all sales of the company’s hardware is anything but a commercial success, so we guess there are some aspects and services of BlackBerry that users out there on other platforms can appreciate, but perhaps not as an entire package. There has been talk about BlackBerry possibly spinning off BBM into a separate company and given the success of its app (we’ll have to see if the momentum can continue), perhaps it would make sense that BlackBerry would dedicate themselves to it.

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