Earlier this year during Apple’s WWDC 2013 event, the Cupertino company had more than just iOS 7 and refreshed MacBook Airs to share. In fact during the event, remote controlled cars were demonstrated and what makes them particularly unique is not only can they be controlled via the iPhone, but these cars will come with a built-in AI that will allow them to interact with one another while following behavioral patterns that have been defined in the iOS app, making it like a racing game, but in real life.
For those unfamiliar, the Anki Drive cars will be placed on a vinyl track and will be able to position and calibrate themselves on the track using tiny built-in cameras, with players controller the gas and the guns on the car using the app that has been built for the iPhone in mind. The more shots fired at the opposition, the more points gamers can score, which in turn can be used to upgrade these cars. It’s a unique idea and not to mention looks incredibly fun as well. The Anki Drive will be available for purchase via Apple retail stores come 23rd of October and will set you back $199. For more info, check out the video above to see the cars in action.