We realize how important it is to stay on top of our dental hygiene on a daily basis as having a mouth full of rotting teeth will probably won’t be a great look for us. The problem is the amount of time it takes to brush and floss our teeth as well as the fact that we probably miss a few spots here and there without even realizing it. That won’t be a problem any more now that the Blizzident toothbrush has been invented.
The Blizzident is a toothbrush that’s 3D printed from a mold that’s taken of your mouth which is said to clean your choppers in just six seconds. Within the six-second brushing, the Blizzident will give you the same effectiveness as a traditional three minute brushing. The process of brushing your teeth with the Blizzident is also much easier than poking a stick with bristles into your mouth as you’ll just need to bite and chew the toothbrush, which is something we’re sure everyone can do.
The Blizzident will set you back $300, which is a tad more expensive than the $8 toothbrush you can pick up at your local pharmacy, although it’ll last much longer as its creators are promising one year of use.