Earlier this year, Samsung announced the ATIV Q which was a rather interesting hybrid device which ran both Windows and Android at the same time. However there were apparently some patent issues that Samsung ran into regarding the ATIV Q that led to rumors that Samsung could be cancelling the device because of that, which is definitely a bummer of sorts to those who were looking forward to getting their hands on the product sometime later this year. Well the semi-good news is that Samsung has not cancelled the ATIV Q, but neither will it be launching this year.
This is according to German website, AllAboutSamsung whom Samsung confirmed the news to, stating that the launch of the ATIV Q will not be happening this year. This does not sound like the device has been cancelled, and we’re guessing the earliest we could then see the device would be in 2014. We’ll keep our ears open for more news regarding the ATIV Q, but what do you guys think? Are you a bit bummed that this interesting hybrid will not be available for purchase this year? Or is the mixture of Windows and Android a little too gimmicky for your tastes?