It was revealed at E3 2013 we would be getting a new Mirror’s Edge that would be specifically built for next-generation consoles, leaving us to imagine just what a next-gen Mirror’s Edge game would look like. One thing we never wanted to imagine was how Mirror’s Edge would look in real life, but that’s exactly what Ampisound did when it produced a video that brings the world of Mirror’s Edge into the real world.
We’ve played a bunch of Mirror’s Edge and we can tell you the angle of the camera was perfect considering just how much of the parkour runner’s legs and arms are seen in the video. The movements that are captured in the video just go to show how much research DICE performed for the original Mirror’s Edge game as a real-world parkour experience looks just like how it did in the game.
Hopefully after watching Ampisound’s Mirror’s Edge video, it’ll either get you pumped for Mirror’s Edge 2 or curious enough to actually try the original game out since we’re sure you can pick it up at an extremely discounted price these days.