There have been uncountable rumors and leaks about the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. The company has confirmed that it will officially unveil the new phablet on September 4th, an event has been scheduled and invites to the press have been sent out. All that’s left to do is to make the announcement. Till that happens though, we’re bound to hear more rumors and see more leaks, it seems inevitable. A purported picture of Galaxy Note 3 has leaked online. The picture reveals that the device might have less rounded corners as opposed to its predecessor and might also have slimmer bezels.
Despite all of the leaks and rumors, not much is known about the design of Galaxy Note 3. We’ve seen a few images leak in the past but none of them have been able to clearly show us what the upcoming phablet looks like. This particular picture hints at the possibility of Galaxy Note 3 not having corners that are rounded as much as they are on Galaxy Note 2. When the new phablet’s purported front panel was leaked last week, we saw slimmer bezels. They’re seen once again in this picture, does that mean the Galaxy Note 3 really does have slim bezels? One can’t say for sure since the image is, after all, from an unofficial source and is quite blurry. Fortunately, we only have to wait for a couple of more days before Samsung shows the device in all its glory. [Image via TechKiddy]
Filed in Galaxy Note 3, IFA, Ifa 2013 and Samsung.
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