Known as the Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) program, the whole point behind it is to help save lives, and this will hopefully happen by limiting the speed of cars according to the speed limit on the road. To achieve this, one would need to make sure that cameras in the car will be able to read the speed limit signs, determining the maximum speed for the road afterwards. The other idea would involve satellites beaming down relevant information straight into the vehicle. Of course, older vehicles would need to be retro-fitted with such technology if the idea was to take off. Do you think that speed kills, or is it the irresponsibility of drivers instead? Some might even call it an invasion of privacy.
Update: The EU has already refuted that this speed limitation effort would be enforced in the UK, and an excerpt from their blog reads, “Reports in the press over the last day or two have suggested that the EU intends to bring forward “formal proposals this autumn” to introduce automatic speed controls -known as “Intelligent Speed Adaptation” or ISA, into cars. This is quite simply not true and the Commission had made this very clear to the journalists concerned prior to publication.”