Do you love working on the cloud, and collaborating with other folks on the same document without having to meet up with one another at the office? Well, here is the opportunity for you to do so – thanks to the introduction of Box Notes. Box Notes opens up a new way for one to create documents and work in real-time with others on Box. To know if any of your team mates happen to be on Box Notes at the same time that you are online, all you need to do is check out the Box Note and zoom down the left side of the page. A tiny profile picture would indicate whether your friend is there or not.

Box Notes is all about working with others, and the aforementioned profile pictures have been nicknamed ”note heads.” Whenever you are working on a note with different people, the presence of profile pictures at the place the respective person is working on the document itself makes it easier to keep track on who is working on what, instead of saying stuff like “look at the third paragraph, line number four.” Security-wise, you need not worry too much about Box Notes, since it is built on top of Box. Those who are interested can sign up to make a request to the private beta. [Press Release]

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