DSC_0239-1-620x400Wouldn’t it be cool if you could chat on your desktop and have it sent to a messaging platform on a mobile device? As it stands there are a multitude of options, such as Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger, Line, and etc., but if you’re a heavy BBM user, it seems that during the BlackBerry Jam Asia 2013, BlackBerry showed off BBM running on a Windows computer, essentially mirroring the app on a desktop platform, similar to how BBM would be mirrored on the Playbook tablet.

It was not mentioned as to when this feature would be released or what the feature could be known as (BBM for desktop, perhaps?), but it would certainly be a pretty cool feature and an additional reason for users to turn to the BBM platform. BlackBerry also mentioned that they would exploring taking the feature onto Mac computers as well. However like we said, there was no mention of a release date for this feature, but what do you guys think of it? Is this something you’d like to see happen in the near future? It’s starting to seem like BlackBerry is looking to recreate the BBM experience, not only taking it onto other smartphone platforms, but to computers as well.

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