
You won’t find a lot of top Apple executives on conventional social media channels. But Apple isn’t what it used to be a few years back, significant changes have occurred under the leadership of Tim Cook. One of the biggest changes has been seen today, Tim Cook has joined Twitter. His predecessor, Steve Jobs, never ventured on the microblogging network. This is yet another thing that he is doing differently than Steve Jobs. Cook’s appearance on Twitter comes the day the company has released its two new iPhones.

As of this writing, Tim Cook’s twitter account has amassed nearly 39,000 followers. The account already been verified, so there’s no doubt in the fact that this is the real deal. Earlier today, Tim Cook visited Apple Retail Stores in Palo Alto. The first tweet has been about those visits, Cook writes that “seeing so many happy customers reminds us of why we do what we do.” The tweet was retweeted by Phil Schiller, Apple’s marketing chief, who has a verified Twitter account. It remains to be seen how Cook intends to reach out and interact with customers through this channel, though its nice to know that Apple’s CEO is now merely a tweet away.

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