Microsoft has been planning to do away with its arbitrary Microsoft Points system it first introduced with the Xbox 360 in time for the release of the Xbox One. We first heard it as a rumor earlier this year, but has since confirmed they will be transitioning its Microsoft Points system to one where your local currency will be reflected in the pricing of content. Today marks a a milestone many who hated the Microsoft Points system have been waiting for as Microsoft has just officially released an update to the Xbox 360 that does away with the old pricing structure.
The process of updating your Xbox 360 should take a couple of minutes, that is, if you even have the update available to you as Microsoft is gradually rolling out the update across members and regions. A total of 41 Xbox Live-enabled markets will have the update available to them soon, which should help in purchasing any content you’d like off the Xbox Live Marketplace as you no longer have to do serious math equations in order to find what something is worth using your local currency. Make sure you don’t forget Microsoft will expire points that are converted to your local currency in the near future.
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