lg-qhd-panelLG Display is no stranger when it comes to display technologies, and they have successfully scored another world’s first today with the announcement of their success in developing what they deem to be the “world’s first Quad HD AH-IPS LCD panel for smartphones.” This puppy is no slouch when it comes to visual performance – we are talking about a whopping 2,560 X 1,440 resolution with 538ppi (pixel density), all shown off on its new 5.5-inch Quad HD panel. This would make it the highest resolution and ppi (pixel per inch) mobile panel to date, and it does pave open the road to what is set to arrive after the existing generation of Full HD smartphone panels.

Dr. Byeong-koo Kim, Vice President and Head of LG Display’s IT and Mobile Development Group, said, “LG Display, which pioneered the high resolution mobile market with introduction of the world’s first Full HD smartphone panel in 2012, again opens new possibilities with the successful application of QHD technology. With this breakthrough, LG Display will continue to raise new standards for mobile resolution and lead the mobile display market.” We are stoked to see just what the future holds for smartphone models down the road, and hopefully these new displays would be power efficient too, otherwise the battery would undergo a whole lot of load then.

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