jobs-movie-flopHow many of you are looking forward to the jOBS biopic for the longest time already? We do know that since April last year, Ashton Kutcher was the one who managed to land the role of the late Steve Jobs in an upcoming biopic, where we reported that he suffered from pancreas problems while following Steve Jobs’ diet later on. In fact, early this year, the first clip from the jOBS biopic was released to much fanfare, and right now after the movie has been released, the big question would be this – how well did it do at the box office?

Having opened across 2,381 screens this weekend, it raked in an estimated $6.7 million. According to the movie’s distributor, Open Road Films, they were hoping to shift around $8 million to $9 million in tickets for the corresponding period, but failed to do so. Perhaps it had something to do with Steve Wozniak criticizing the truthfulness of the story? So far, jOBS picked up an aggregate score of 25% on Rotten Tomatoes, but chances are it will be able to recoup its budget og $12 million and turn a small profit after taking into consideration DVD sales and TV rights. Would you watch this on the big screen or wait for it to be available on DVD?

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