ios7-beta5Boy, is Apple moving fast with iOS 7 – it is less than a week since we reported that Apple has just rolled out iOS 7 Beta 6 to developers, and fast forward to today, here we are with word from developers that Apple has plans to introduce the seventh beta version of iOS 7 today – in short, iOS 7 Beta 7. Apparently, Apple has reportedly seeded a new build of iOS 7 to its developers, and it should be released sometime later today. Not only that, it has been allegedly confirmed that the build number will be a whole lot higher compared to the previous beta, so one can only make the assumption that iOS 7 Beta 7 ought to be distributed and made available for developers at approximately 1pm EDT – that is roughly an hour from now.

One ought to take note in reference to the iOS 7 Beta 6 announcement last week which took just a few hours to be seeded right after it was announced – talk about efficiency! Of course, one of the possible reasons that iOS 7 Beta 6 rolled out so soon was because it carried an emergency bug fix for iTunes in the Cloud issues. Are you, as a developer, looking forward to the impending release of iOS 7 Beta 7?

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