baby-monitor-hackedMost folks who are new parents for the first time would not mind forking out rolls of money just to ensure that their bundle of joy gets nothing but the very best, including being able to keep an eye (as well as an ear) on the little one throughout the night, even from a different room. This is made possible thanks to advancements in modern day technology such as baby monitors, but the parents of a couple of young kids were rattled after they realized that their baby monitor was hacked.

To compound things even further, the hacker did something which was extremely disturbing afterwards – as the father of the two kids, along with his wife, claimed to have heard a detached voiced mumbling sexual things to their two-year-old daughter. Marc Gilbert and his wife have relied on their Internet connected baby monitor for so long, that he said, “We almost couldn’t live without it.” Unfortunately for them, someone managed to hacked their baby monitor, and he believed that his router was first to get hacked before the camera was next. Well, it goes to show just how important it is to always ensure that your home networks are as secure as possible.

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