Just over a week ago Apple seeded iOS 7 beta 4 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch to developers. This time around the company has been following a fortnightly release schedule for beta versions, at least it was following that schedule before the Developer Portal got hacked and Apple shut it down for about a week. Now after merely a week, Apple has seeded the next beta version of iOS 7 to developers. If previous rumors are true, then just one more beta version will be released prior to the Gold Master build. The GM build is followed by the public release.
The iOS 7 beta 5 changelog lists improvements and bug fixes. It might bring subtle user interface improvements as well. It was said last month that Apple would continue to tweak the UI throughout the beta phase, and we’ve seen evidence of that in the previous beta. Registered developers can now download iOS 7 beta 5 IPSW through the Developer Portal, or if they already have a previous iOS 7 beta running on a device, they can download the update over-the-air. Apple is expected to release iOS 7 for the public this fall.
Filed in iOS 7.
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