amazon-silkJust like how you would get sick and tired of wearing the same old clothes of a uniform color each day, so too, do software and apps need a revamp from time to time to keep things looking fresh and perky always. Amazon has finally rolled out its first major update for the Silk browser since September 2012, and a visual revamp would be what gets your attention right from the get go. After obtaining and studying feedback from Kindle Fire owners, the entire Amazon Silk browser’s user interface has been redesigned, making it easier and more intuitive to use.

Other than that, there is also a spanking new tutorial, redesigned tabs, improved browser controls, simpler navigation options, and easier access to the Reading View feature. Not only that, Amazon has also gone ahead to publish a Silk Developer Guide to keep this revamped Amazon Silk browser update company. In fact, after applying this particular update and firing up Silk for the first time on your Kindle Fire, you will be greeted by the Just-In-Time (JIT) tutorial, telling what the key features are in the spanking new interface so that you can get off on the right footing – or should I say, fingering. Do you like what Amazon has done with their Silk browser?

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