windows-phone-summit-05It is pretty clear that Apple and Google dominate the smartphone market, with their iOS and Android operating systems taking up a huge chunk of the pie, leaving the position of third and fourth up for grabs and making it essentially a fight between Microsoft’s Windows Phone platform and BlackBerry’s OS 10. Well the good news for Microsoft, Windows Phone manufacturing partners, and Windows Phone fans is that according to the latest figures released by Kantar, it seems that at least in the UK, Windows Phone has managed to nab the number three spot by grabbing about 8.1% of the market. As for BlackBerry, Kantar has reported that in the UK, BlackBerry’s market share has fallen to 4.1%.

Kantar also goes on to report that Apple’s iPhone managed to nab about 30.5%, while Android grabbed a cool 56.2%, although it should be noted that this is a drop from 57.2% in the same period last year, presumably due to other operating systems gaining more ground. Will BlackBerry eventually play catchup with more impressive devices like the upcoming BlackBerry A10? Or will Windows Phone eventually start taking up more share and leave them in the dust? We guess only time will tell, but for now Microsoft definitely has something to celebrate about.

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