
Windows Phone 8 users have patiently been waiting for the GDR2 update to release. The update is going to bring a lot of improvements and enhancements to WP8 devices. The update will also be fixing an issue that has not doubt irked many users. For quite some time now users have complained that the “other storage” on their device takes up a significant amount of internal memory, leaving less for them to put to use. Joe Belfiore, the head of Windows Phone, has revealed in a tweet that the GDR2 update takes care of this issue.

So what exactly fills up the “other storage” on a Windows Phone device? It basically consists of large collections of undeletable files, which are temporary, but take up a big portion of the internal storage. The upcoming GDR2 update will free much needed internal storage for Windows Phone users. The actual release of this update is expected in the following weeks. Some carriers in Australia have reportedly started testing the update, the roll out is likely to begin the near future. New Nokia WP smartphones such as Lumia 1020 come with the GDR2 update pre-installed.

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